Reliance Bank doesn’t just want to help you manage your money, but they strive to be a part of the community at each of their eight locations throughout central PA. If you are tired of being viewed as an account number by your bank, then you need to try Reliance Bank. They are committed to outstanding customer service on an individual level for all their personal and business customers.
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Lakemont Office
401 S. Logan Boulevard,
Altoona, PA 16602
Martinsburg Office
3918 Cove Mountain Road,
Martinsburg, PA 16662
Meadows Office
1254 Plank Road,
Duncansville, PA 16635
Plank Road Office
226 W. Plank Road,
Altoona, PA 16602
Seventeenth Street Office
1921 Pleasant Valley Boulevard,
Altoona, PA 16602
State College Office
100 Hawbaker Industrial Drive,
State College, PA 16803
Twelfth Street Office
1119 Twelfth Street,
Altoona, PA 16601
Tyrone Office
916 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Tyrone, PA 16686
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